Hi! I’m Elaine. Welcome to 3 Things
I’m a somewhat quirky, extremely high energy human that has shiny-object syndrome and a curiosity about most things I don’t understand. I uncover business opportunities everywhere as I go down rabbit holes and continue to dig in. This newsletter shares 3 business ideas each week including the “why now”, history of the space, how I’d think about building it, how you could monetize it, and any competitive landscape.
Introducing the “biteletter”
I’m subscribed to far more newsletters than I could ever possibly read and I find them to be getting longer and longer with more and more links to other articles. It’s a never-ending tunnel that can suck up your time. 3 Things is meant to be a bite-sized newsletter that you can consume in ~3 mins or less. Short, informative, and hopefully sparks some interest if you’re looking curious about business or looking for an idea to start!
If you or someone you know is building, or interested in building any of the ideas I post, please get in touch! I’d love to hear more and happy to share additional thoughts or feedback.
~ Elaine